Snow shoveling is a great way to supplement your current income or raise extra cash on the side.  KACOA is looking for reliable people with flexible schedules to serve as on-call laborers as needed.  Your responsibilities are to remove snow after a snowfall from a sidewalk and apply de-icing agents to the hard surface to prevent ice accumulation.  We pay within 2 business days of the snow event.     

For those looking to gain fulltime employment, shoveling during the winter months is a great way to get your foot in the door for the Spring Landscaping Season.  


Snow Contractor Information Sheet
It is critical that we can communicate with you throughout the snow season.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please take a photo of your Driver's License or State ID and upload. Most crew members drive themselves from account to account.
Selected Value: 12


Please let us know if you have any restriction on availability below. During the average season, the majority of our snow events occur during the evening hours with our goal to have the area cleared before the location opens at 6:00am. knowing your availability will help us plan accordingly.
Are you willing to work Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc. if needed? ¿Está dispuesto a trabajar en Acción de Gracias, Navidad, Año Nuevo, etc. si es necesario?
If you were recommended to KACOA by a friend, family member or coworker, please let us know so that we can thank them for helping build our team. / Si un amigo, un familiar o un compañero de trabajo lo recomendó a KACOA, háganoslo saber para que podamos agradecerle por ayudar a construir nuestro equipo.

Know anyone else who would like to earn some extra money this winter?

Help us spread the word, and earn a finder’s fee for every quality team member you recruit.
